Monday, January 4, 2010

The True Spirit of Christmas

Most of us think of Christmas as a time for giving and getting gifts from family and friends, but many in this community give of their time and money to children they don't even know. This year's Toys for Tots project, sponsored by the Calico Rock/Pineville Chamber of Commerce, provided toys, clothing, and toiletries to 65 local children.

Project Chairman, David Sugg, said there's no way to thank all those who helped this year, but some went the extra mile. Thanks to seven high school Senior-SADD students for shopping for 21 children and to fifteen adults for shopping for 44 children. The local Ministerial Alliance provided the toiletries, and local motorcycle groups provided new warm clothing. There were also anonymous contributors who gave over $1000 and others who put money in the cans placed around town. To Mitchell's Pharmacy and the Family Dollar store, thanks so much for collecting so many wonderful toys. Thanks also to the Food Bank for serving as the primary point of registration for families. All told, well over 100 people contributed in some way to this year's Toys for Tots project - proving again that the true spirit of Christmas is "alive and well" in Calico Rock and Pineville.